US Attorney Slams New York Bail Reform As Endangering All New Yorkers; Leading Commentator Urges States To Proceed With Caution on Bail Reform New York’s newly enacted bail reform is under attack…and rightly so. The “end cash bail” moniker is beginning to lose some of its luster as the reformsRead More →

Both Ways Bill: Mayor de Blasio Now Calls For Dramatically Reversing The Bail Reform Law He Supported—Cooler Heads Should Prevail Mayor Bill de Blasio, as recently as a few days ago, was a fierce advocate in favor of New York’s latest bail reform law which took effect on January 1.Read More →

Michigan State Courts Refuse Open Records Request Pertaining to Secret Pretrial Risk Assessment Algorithm, Insist on Absolute Secrecy Milton Mack, the Michigan State Court Administrator, has been piloting a pretrial risk assessment tool in a few select Michigan counties that was built by the Laura and John Arnold Foundation (nowRead More →

Idaho Government Officials Proclaim The Success Of The Idaho Pretrial Risk Assessment Tool The Day Before A Landmark Study Came Out That Proves It Doesn’t Work The Idaho Pretrial Risk Assessment Instrument (IPRAI), used to predict the risk of failing to appear in court or committing a new crime whileRead More →

Arnold Ventures’ New Paid Mouthpieces Conclude The Public Safety Assessment Worked In New Jersey Despite A Feeble, Tenuous, And Unconvincing Justification And Strong Evidence To The Contrary Arnold Ventures (formerly the Laura and John Arnold Foundation), as we have repeatedly said, cannot concede defeat regardless of how bad things get. Read More →

San Francisco Bail Settlement Calls on the City and County to Support a System of Algorithmic Injustice and Completely Lets the Judges and State Courts Off the Hook For four years, Equal Justice Under Law (EJUL) along with the powerhouse law firm of Latham & Wadkins have challenged the bailRead More →