Latest from ABC

ABC Posts

Texas Public Safety Holy Trinity Moves Aggressively on Immigration and Bail Reform

ABC Posts

Will Delaware Attorney General Kathy Jennings be the First Lawyer in a Generation to Defend Segregationist Strom Thurmond’s Preventative Detention Law before the U.S. Supreme Court?

ABC Posts

Denver Stabber a Fugitive From Justice with an Active Warrant on a PR Bond for Sex Assault at the Time of Stabbings

ABC Posts

Study: Eight Year Experiment Ending Cash Bail in Maryland Increased Mass Pretrial Incarceration All While Arrests Went Down

ABC Posts

Bail Reform Proponents Resort to Advancing the “If You’re Scary” Test to Create an Arrest-to-Prison Pipeline

ABC Posts

Brennan Center for Justice Dismantles a Crime Scarecrow, All in an Effort to Advocate for the End of Cash Bail in favor of Risk-Based Preventative Detention

ABC Posts

Georgia Governor Signs Law to Increase Number of Bail Restricted Offenses

Stay Informed…

The Future of Bail

The Fourth Generation of Bail Reform Over the last 60 years, the United States has gone through two generations of bail reform, and for the last fifteen years we have been in a period described by some as the “third generation” of bail reform. The third generation of bail reform,

Performance of Pretrial Release Methods

Which method of pretrial release is the most effective? As one might expect, financial conditions of release (even small bonds) far outperform those of OR and pretrial releases. Judicial discretion is paramount in deciding release and most releases occur without any financial condition or additional court related burden at all. 

Research & Publication Center

Welcome to the American Bail Coalition Research & Publication Center Click on any link for a list of files associated with any particular category.

Bail In the Media…

In the Media

Civil Rights Corps Damaging Criminal Justice System with Meritless Lawsuits

In the Media

New Jersey overhauled its bail system under Christie. Now some Democrats want to roll it back.

In the Media

COMMUNITY VOICES: LA DA George Gascón has an offer no criminal can refuse

In the Media

Gascón’s reforms at odds with public safety and LA voters

In the Media

ABC’s Jeff Clayton on “The Big Talker” – Wichita, KS

In the Media

Pretrial Risk Assessment Is Biased And Indefensible

In the Media

Bias against Black people found in Colorado bail reform tool

In the Media

Conference of Chief Justices’ Indefensible Policy on Pretrial Risk Assessment

In the Media


What We Stand For

  • Protecting the constitutional right to bail in the United States of America

  • Maximizing releases of defendants from jail

  • Fostering public-private partnerships to deal with issues of jail crowding

  • Ensuring accountability in the criminal justice system

  • Defending against efforts that weaken criminal accountability and trammel the rights of victims.

Time for Action...

Join our efforts to Take Action against dangerous reforms and efforts that undermine criminal accountability and weaken the Criminal Justice System.