Big Data is Big Business for reformers accumulating a massive inventory of private information on criminal defendants…enter the MacArthur Foundation. Many of you have read about our continuing attempts to expose the fact that much of criminal justice reform is that the process is the product.  In other words, thereRead More →

In the wake of the Ferguson riots, Criminal Justice Reforms in Saint Louis increased pretrial incarceration by an astonishing 21.1% in one year… May 29, 2018 As part of our ongoing investigation into the “success” (or lack thereof) of the MacArthur Foundation’s effort to reshape mass incarceration, we shift ourRead More →

MacArthur Safety and Justice Challenge: Year One Results are in for Charleston, S.C. May 25, 2018 The MacArthur Safety and Justice Challenge is a series of grants to many local jurisdictions to reduce jail populations and basically reduce mass incarceration.  It is thought that by implementing a bunch of new “bestRead More →