Ballot Initiative Aimed at Reversing Bail Reform Legislation (SB10) in California The American Bail Coalition announced its support of a ballot initiative launched today to reverse the passage of Senate Bill 10, the last-minute unvetted legislation that completely and totally upended California’s bail system. Press Release: Coalition Launches Referendum DriveRead More →

Senate Bill 10 “Bail Reform” passes the Assembly despite a litany of constitutional issues, mounting concerns over the Bill, and growing bipartisan opposition. Sacramento, CA:  Senate Bill 10 “Bail Reform” cleared the Assembly (41-27) today despite its flawed public policy.  The bill will now have to be concurred by theRead More →

Sacramento, CA – Senate Bill 10 “Bail Reform” has rapidly gone 180 degrees in another direction, creating hollow hope of preventative detention along with a risk assessment judicial regulatory nightmare. Having finally seen the draft that has alarmed the former coalition that supported and now is vehemently opposing Senate BillRead More →

Arnold Foundation vehemently affirms support for Pretrial Risk Assessments: Ignores National Civil Rights Groups’ call for elimination and notes it’s pouring in more cash to spread the PSA Tool. Yesterday, in a stunning rebuke to the use of pretrial risk assessments in the criminal justice system, over 100 national groups,Read More →

The NAACP, ACLU and others are calling for the End of Pretrial Risk Assessments in the United States. As bail reform groups such as the Pretrial Justice Institute continue to push the expansion of pretrial risk assessments across the country, national groups are going in the exact opposite direction, rejectingRead More →