As the conversation continues on Idaho’s handling of the pretrial release of criminal defendants and the role of algorithm based pretrial risk assessment tools, so do the usual misguided arguments. Enter former Ada County Sheriff Gary Raney. Former Ada County Sheriff Gary Raney Sheriff Raney thinks “black box” risk assessmentRead More →

LAWSUIT ASSERTS HARRIS COUNTY JUDGES CIRCUMVENTED DEFENDANTS’ CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO BAIL FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Lakewood, CO (February 14, 2019) – A lawsuit involving the on-going fight between bail reform and the legal right to bail was filed today (February 14) in the State District Court in Harris County, Texas. The caseRead More →

As bail reformers continue to their push to implement group-data based criminal justice algorithms to decide bail and conditions of release, the push back against them continues to gain momentum.  This time, in conservative Idaho, a group of bipartisan legislators have introduced legislation to end “black-box” algorithms and require thatRead More →

El Paso County is in the process of reforming its bail system.  In fact, it recently hired former Mesa County Colorado Criminal Justice Services Manager Joel Bishop to implement a new bail system that moves away from the use of monetary bail and toward a system where release and conditionsRead More →

On December 28, 2018, a petition was filed by Nevada Chief Justice James Hardesty to adopt a statewide requirement that all judges in Nevada utilize a validated risk assessment tool for use in pretrial decision-making.  The petition was based on the recommendation by the Committee to Study Evidence-Based Pretrial Release.Read More →

Required Signatures are Certified by Secretary of State; Controversial Law that Would Ban Cash Bail Now Goes to Voters in November 2020 Election FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Lakewood, CO (January 16, 2019) – The campaign to overturn California Senate Bill 10, which would have abolished cash bail, cleared a critical hurdle today whenRead More →