New study issued by law professor proves that the Kentucky’s Pretrial Release Program for those criminally charged is completely failing despite repeated attempts to fix it. by Jeff Clayton, Executive Director Kentucky’s pretrial services program, which costs the state around $12 million annually, is the only statewide pretrial program inRead More →

Despite Nevada Governor Sandoval vetoing legislation to implement the pretrial “risk assessment” statewide because it was “unproven” with “no conclusive evidence pretrial risk tools will work” – Justice Hardesty moved forward with the Nevada Reno-Model…now a proven failure. by Jeff Clayton, Executive Director, American Bail Coalition If you Google howRead More →

Arnold Foundation Hires Bill Clinton’s Former Lawyer to Clarify The Foundation’s Complete Lack of Neutrality on Bail Reform. by Jeff Clayton, Executive Director, American Bail Coalition The Public Safety Assessment, a proprietary algorithm created by the Laura and John Arnold Foundation (hereinafter, “Arnold Foundation”), with the stated intent to useRead More →

University of Utah Law Professor Shima Baughman’s research on bail reform consists of nothing more than beating up an oversized straw-man and serving up naive solutions that have failed for two generations. by Jeff Clayton, Executive Director, American Bail Coalition The University of Utah is apparently quite proud of itsRead More →

The Connecticut Sentencing Commission this week held a public hearing on bail reform – rehashing a multi-year issue already addressed mere months ago. by Jeff Clayton, Executive Director, American Bail Coalition The Connecticut Sentencing Commission, which is a commission that rubber-stamps the bail reform policies of lame-duck Governor Malloy, hasRead More →