New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez took to media to warn Utah citizens and lawmakers of adopting the Arnold Foundations Pretrial Risk Assessment Tool by court rule and other bail bond reforms – which has perpetuated a “catch and release revolving door criminal justice system” in New Mexico. April 18 2018Read More →

Virginia takes on the issue of accountability and forces transparency in pretrial services division. April 17 2018 In November, 2017 the Virginia Crime Commission issued a report on the state of pretrial services programs, often posited as an alternative to financial conditions of bail. Since the 1960s, bail reformers haveRead More →

Idaho becomes the latest state – in what is quickly becoming a long line of states – to reject the idea of the no-money bail system. March 26, 2018 The Criminal Justice Commission, egged on by the State Court Administrator, attempted to run legislation to implement the New Jersey bailRead More →

Will Florida follow the lead of Houston, Texas on bail reform?  Houston’s results paint a dire picture and should cause concern for lawmakers considering dangerous legislation. Bail reformers have somehow managed to convince the legislature that releasing more people on a “promise to appear” will create a new criminal utopia,Read More →

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit Issues Ruling Dramatically Limiting Federal Judge’s Order in Houston Bail Case: Bail Schedules May Be Used And There is No Right to An “Affordable Bail” New Orleans, LA – For months, we have heard nothing but calls from the Plantiffs in theRead More →

West Virginia Bail Reform Legislation would Encourage the Use of Unproven Criminal Risk Algorithms and Delegate Power to the Courts to Adopt the No-Money Bail System. by Jeff Clayton, Executive Director, American Bail Coalition Conversations on bail reform all are all the new rage. That we can simply use computersRead More →